Application To House of Pearls
The application to House of Pearls is used to provide a better understanding between House of Pearls and yourself. House of Pearls is a Christian healing and heart restoration ministry home designed to help those who want to make changes in their lives. We teach that there is victory over darkness through His agape (perfect) love and the truths of the Bible. This is done through mentoring, Bible studies, counseling, homework, worship services, and work projects.
To enter House of Pearls, you must meet all of these requirements before submitting an application:
Be 18 years or older
Be motivated to make major life changes and willing to following directions
Have no legal or other outside issues, including family, that will create a disruption to the program
Submit to a full drug screen
Be physically, medically, and psychiatrically stable
Be able to sit for two hours at a time
Be able to climb stairs
Not be on any medications that contain benzodiazepines, barbiturates, alcohol, narcotics, or anti-psychotic medications
Be able to read on a seventh-grade level
Speak, hear, read, and write English
Have at least a 30-day supply of medications if applicable
In addition to the requirements above, please note that we are not hospital-based. We cannot admit women who have eating disorders, chronic medical conditions requiring frequent medical appointments, and certain types of personality and psychiatric disorders. To get an idea of what is expected of a resident of House of Pearls, please take a look at the resident handbook.
If you have questions or problems with the application, call 704-324-0028 or send us an email at houseofpearlsministry@gmail.com.